Sunday, April 18, 2010

We had Grandma with us this week!

It was the greatest! She took such great care of me and Benjamin and was Bethany's very best friend and helped with all the other girls, as well. I loved having her here. Her loving presence is such a blessing in my life and just knowing she is there has always been such a support to me. Of course, having her in the same house . . . well, that is the best of all!

We are all doing well (probably due to Grandma being here!). Benjamin was fussy his first few nights and needed to be held all night. He was fine as long as he could snuggle with me in bed. So, I did get sleep, it was just a bit uncomfortable and involved waking up often. After the first few nights, though, he accepted the basinet as his sleeping accomodation and just woke up to nurse. He's doing great now. He is a super baby so far, only crying when he is hungry and sleeping a whole lot!

Bethany is adjusting well, I think. It is hard to tell because she did have Grandma to monopolize while she was here -- and monopolize she did! She even slept in the same room as Grandma and woke up every night between about 2 and 4 a.m. to chat with her -- for the full two hours! Grandma did not appreciate that so much, but it is hard to get a 21-month-old to understand her social faux pas. Bethany is learning a whole lot of new words and she loves to talk. What she doesn't know, she fills in with gibberish. We only understand about half of what she says, but it sure isn't slowing her down! She likes "baby" and thinks Ben is an adorable, moving doll. She only gets mad when we won't let her play with him how she likes. She's starting to understand, though, whenever she approaches him, the first thing she says is, "Soft!" I guess we've already told her that a time or two.

The other girls are enjoying Ben, too. They really like holding him, but I have not talked anyone into changing a diaper, yet. Savannah says over and over again, "I have a little brother!" It is an amazing thing.

Savannah had her first track meet this year on Friday. She ran the mile in 6:53. Pretty good, huh? She also ran the 800 meter leg of the medley. I didn't go, but Kevin hung out with her and reported that she did a fantastic job.

My mom left on Saturday *sob!* so I suppose now I've got to get back to regular life. Bummer. Back to doing my own laundry and grocery shopping and dishes. Wish me luck!


Danielle said...

Fun to peek into your family. How special to enjoy that first week with a new baby. It goes so fast. What a blessing to have a mom that can come a help. I loved my mom's help with my first two. Now I really look forward to being that help for my kids when they have babies. If only my married Holly would have a baby. Have a good week.

Dona said...

He looks like a Skinner! Funny how that works. I love reading your updates every week. How else would I know what is going on with the Skinners?

Jessica Grosland said...

Oh my gosh, he is so little! It's hard to believe we're even the same species. How can anyone expect to grow that much in 20 years?

Also, he's really adorable. I want to come see him when I move back home, okay?

Karen Mello Burton said...

He is a dollface! So nice to get little updates like this since we live so far apart. phhhbt