Sunday, April 11, 2010

Actually, we started off the week with bowling. It was spring break! This is a picture of Cheyenne showing how strong she is Monday afternoon at the BYU bowling alley. Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik came, too. I didn't bowl, I just took a bunch of bad pictures, but we all had loads of fun! I loved watching everyone bowl. Check out the video of Calianne. She really got into the running part! Afterwards, we went to Brick Oven (our new favorite restaurant, as you know) for pizza! Yum! What fun!

On Tuesday, the girls played with friends here in the neighborhood. On Wednesday, I had an appointment with my midwife so all seven of the girls came, too, and heard the heartbeat and watched my belly move. Then we went to some stores up in Orem that the girls wanted to visit: JoAnn's, Toys R Us, and DI. That night I had Savannah make dinner because I was having contractions and needed to sit down! She made tacos and did a great job!

On Thursday, I took Beth to Grandma's and the rest of the girls and I went to see the morning showing of How to Train Your Dragon in 3D! It was a lot of fun to see all the girls lined up with their 3D glasses on! Afterward, we stopped at McDonald's for lunch. We were just finishing up and I was turning Cheyenne's happy meal box into a Viking hat for her to wear . . . when my water broke. Uh oh. Sarah and Savannah got our table cleaned off and everyone in the car.

We made it home without a problem. Yay! But then it turned into a problem as the hours went by and no contractions came my way. I had some in the middle of the night for a few hours but when I got up Friday morning, they had stopped. Friday was a hard day as Kevin and I and Suzanne, our midwife, tried several different things to get my labor going and nothing was working! It was looking like we might have to go to the hospital and all our other plans would go to naught. Argh!

Finally, around 6:30, something worked. Then contractions came and went without ceasing and got more and more painful, which is good but also bad, bad, bad. :) We'll skip to the happy ending . . .
Isn't he cute??????? Benjamin Kevin Skinner was born at 10:04 p.m. Friday, April 9, 2010 weighing 6 lbs 9oz and measuring 20.5 inches long.

Here is father and son looking at each other for the first time just after he arrived.

And mother and son, done being tortured for the day and ready for a rest. Together forever.

Look at that! THE SKINNERS GOT A BOY!!!!!!! At last, our prince has come . . .

As promised, here is a picture of all the princesses in our family in their Easter dresses as they went to church today. I, of course, was not with them, but Grandma Elton has come and is taking pictures and telling me to lay down -- which I love. :)

And here you can see the older girls a little better. What a lot of blessings in this family!


Robin said...

He's so beautiful! I am excited to watch as your daughters adjust and he changes the dynamics a bit.

I'm glad you got a boy. We both know girls are awesome; but I would be lost without my son.

Nik still feels sorry for Benjamin, though.

MaggieJo said...

I didn't realize you were in labor when we saw you on Friday!!! He is beautiful! And he has so many wonderful sisters. Can't wait for the boy dressed up as a girl pictures :)

Jessica Grosland said...


I can't wait to see what happens next! Congratulations and best of luck to all of you at this happy, happy time!

Eileen said...

Congratulations!! I love how the birth is mid-way through the post....after bowling. You must be the mother of eight!

Lyle grew up with 6 sisters and I think it did him wonders! said...

Congratulations we are so happy for you all!!! I love his name, you have such a beautiful family!!!