Sunday, March 21, 2010

Guess what?? My camera's memory card did "show up!" Victory!

On Monday night, Megan and Mariah's orchestra had their performance. (Yay! No more Saturday morning drives to Highland!) They did absolutely great! I was so impressed that they learned to play in an orchestra and learned all their music. It was a great experience for them and we all enjoyed their concert! Here's a closeup of our talented violinists. The video that follows (at the end of this blog) is too small for you to see them, but you can get an idea of how they sounded!

Sarah has been crocheting up a storm at our house. She made a purse for herself and her friend really liked it, so she made another one for her friend. Well, then everyone wanted one! So, before I could talk to her about the cost of materials and price per hour, she told her admirers that she would make them a purse for a dollar. She came home from school with several crumpled dollar bills from girls (and one boy!) paying in advance. So, now she is in the purse making business! (She is charging a bit more since she and I had our economics "talk.") During the week, the weather was so good that she took her crocheting outside, and well, up a tree! Now that's celebrating spring right!

Saint Patrick's Day was this week, and after some initial scrambling, we did manage to find green for everyone to wear! I thought these two were especially festive and ready for the day!

We are getting ready for Easter, though! I found this Easter set just like the nativity sets we put out at Christmas and I love it! I got it at Oriental Trading of all places. It is getting a lot of play time!

On Friday, the kids decided to try their hand at making houses out of cards. I thought Mariah's head was going to explode from the frustration -- her temper certainly did. Sarah was the most successful. It must be all that crocheting!

We moved Bethany's toddler bed downstairs this weekend. We are not sure if we will keep it this way or not! Once she is asleep, she stays asleep all night and doesn't bother anyone. It's the falling asleep that is the trick. It is just hard to stay in bed when there are so many sisters around to play with or to bug or to ask to pick you up! We will see if it gets any better. In the meantime, she is pretty grumpy during the day! :(
On Saturday, Kevin and I got to go to the sealing of a family in our ward. They have five children and they were all sealed to them. It was absolutely wonderful! What a blessing going to the temple can be! We were so glad we could go there.


Robin said...

Hannah was amazed the other day when Megan said she had never built a card house. As Hannah taught her, I watched Megan try to understand how it all worked (she got very frustrated, too). Hannah said she is doing much better now, that she has it down.

Isn't it great every time they discover a new way to entertain themselves that doesn't require electricty?

Dona said...

I'm going to start looking in your tree a little more closely when I walk by your house.

K and D Roylance said...

Glad your memory card showed up again! Your patience paid off. Love looking at your pictures. I was just thinking I'd love to have a personal memory card to record things on, similar to pictures on a camera, but maybe feelings and memories. Plug it in, think, copy to the card, insert into computer, print.....maybe someday....