Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why is it that babies always put panties on their heads? This has always been a mystery to me! Bethany explained it to me this week, though. After piling on the panties she said to me proudly, "It's pretty!" Funny, huh?! I guess it's really the baby who makes sense. I mean, why waste all those pretty patterns on something you wear under your clothes?? They should be on display on top of your head, of course!
We got a new stake presidency in our stake this weekend, so we had two general authorities here and a multitude of speculation! So the big news in our house is that Kevin was NOT called to be the next stake president or in the presidency. It is a bit of a relief! Although if he had been called, we know it would have worked out and it is always a blessing to serve. There are many, many good men in our stake and the men they have chosen are top notch. It will be wonderful. It was a wonderful weekend, too, and Kevin really enjoyed being able to see the process for stake presidency selection so up-close and to be a part of it.

We had two basketball games again this week. One for Sarah and Megan and one for Mariah. Sarah and Savannah had Young Women/Young Men this week where they learned to hip-hop. Megan had Activity Days. Mariah and Sarah had jump rope club. Sarah is a sixth grade helper and Mariah actually participates. I've been working on a doll for Calianne.

Savannah started a new semester at the junior high. This semester she has for her electives PE, jogging, and creative writing. I really tried to talk her out of taking PE and jogging, but her Dad said it was okay. She loves it. I am excited about her creative writing class and I hope that the teacher will be able to challenge her! She is trying out for the school musical this week. We will see how that goes!

I also received my new blog book in the mail this week! There are some companies that will publish your blog in book form. It is a little pricey, but it will be so nice to have for family history! The kids love it, too. As you can see, I can't even take a picture without somebody fighting over it!


Jessica Grosland said...

What are these companies?! I want to find them!

Also, I will never get over how adorable your kids are.

Also, ALSO, I hope Savannah loves dreative writing. It was always my favorite class in school.

Katy said...

The two I found were and I used the first. The other one (blurb) was a little too much work for me!

Jessica Grosland said...

Thank you much!

Katy said...
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