Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Guess what my kids did over Christmas break?

They look like a bunch of zombies, don't they? Actually, I'm hoping SOME of what they played was educational in nature. I love the picture of Beth sitting between her sisters with a toy computer! That's so funny. We just have the two computers, so I took these pictures at different times. There's also no audio on theses pictures so you can't hear the other kids in the background saying, "It's my turn!! You've been on all day! That's no fair!!" etc., etc. Ahh, the age of technology.
We had a great time on New Year's Eve. We had the Grosland's and the Grigg's and Gwen over (the G thing was accidental!). We borrowed a big round table from the church and some cushy folding chairs (since we knew we'd be up for a long time!) and we played games and snacked until the clock struck twelve. Then we cheered and the children jumped up and down and ran around the house in the snow in their bare feet -- as is traditional, of course. It was tons of fun.
The next day was my birthday. Kevin made me breakfast. In the afternoon we saw Avatar in 3D, which had very cool special effects -- that was my favorite part! We liked it a lot. Then we went out to eat Indian food. Yum! Yum! It was a fun day.
Unfortunately we came home to sick kids -- Sarah and Calianne got stomach flu. No fun! The rest of us have been spared so far . . .
A special treat for us on Saturday was that Grandpa Skinner stopped by for a visit. It was great fun to see him and get to talk.
Here's hoping 2010 will be great for all of us!!

1 comment:

Robin said...

It was lots of fun. I don't know what we'd do without your family on New Year's Eve. Thanks for having us.