Sunday, October 11, 2009

Isn't that sweet? Why is it that babies this age love to help with the dishes? It's such a cute stage -- if you can handle the water sloshed all over the counters and floor and, of course, on the baby herself. This is the kitchen after I spent an hour doing the dishes. Yes, a whole hour! It was just the dinner dishes and I even have a dishwasher. I also have a husband and seven children, but my husband was at a meeting at church, and I thought I'd give the kids a night off and let them play. Nice, huh? Yeah. I don't think I'm doing that again real soon!

Anyhoo . . . At Savannah's school, they had "Dress up like a hero" day. Savannah dressed up like Sacagawea. Look at that! She is a natural. Too bad I didn't get a close-up of the stylin' rock earrings!
The girls have been playing in their leaf hotel all week -- so much so, that Megan didn't do any of her homework, as I found out on Friday. Nice, huh? That is going to have to change. On a happier note, she started chess club this week! She is going to make huge progress since she didn't know anything at all on her first day! She's game, though and ready to learn!
Here is Sarah and her cello since I didn't have a picture last week. Looks like she's having fun doesn't it?

It has been so cold here already that I talked Kevin into buying me a little electric fireplace. It is warm and has pretend flames. I love it! I planted bulbs on Saturday -- so, I am already dreaming of spring!

1 comment:

Jessica Grosland said...

Good gracious, you have adorable kids!

I miss living down the street from you!