Sunday, September 13, 2009

We told the girls that if they read 25 books this summer, we'd take them to Lagoon (Utah's giant amusement/roller coaster park). Savannah, Sarah, and Megan rose to the challenge (Megan reading her last three books the day before -- nothing like cramming, is there?) and Dad took them all to Lagoon on Labor Day. What a great Daddy-Daughter bonding experience, eh? They all had a great time going on roller coasters and the ferris wheel and getting really, really wet at Rattlesnake Rapids. This is my favorite video Dad made of the event because of all the yelling they do at him!

The rest of the week was pretty average by comparison. Everyone went back to school. Beth and I went back to hanging out in the backyard since when we're inside she only wants me to hold her and if we're in the front yard she tells me bye and heads down the sidewalk to Mapleton. As far as our afternoons go, Megan's orchestra got cancelled due to low enrollment and personal issues of the conductors and Mariah's orchestra is all beginners so I won't take her there anymore. Looks like it comes back to just me to motivate them once again. We'll see what I can come up with.

We had Enrichment this week. We got to visit in our neighbor's driveway and learn all about her amazing garden and what she does with the produce. It was great fun. She is from Taiwan and is growing Asian pears and other foods only grown in the Orient. Cool, huh? Next year we will have her demonstrate some Chineese cooking! Wanna come?

I managed to teach Beth some sign language! She knows how to sign "down" when she is in the high chair! The only problem is that she thinks it means "pick me up," so she does it fairly constantly and it is such a sincere effort to communicate, that I have a hard time turning her away! It is very cute. I've gotten her to do the sign for "eat" just a few times so I'm not sure she understands what it means. Mostly, she just gets very mad when she isn't allowed to do something. You'd think she was a baby or something! Good thing she's so cute!

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