Sunday, August 2, 2009

Week of July 27 - Aug 2

Kevin and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary this week! Wow! Who would have known time would go by so quickly? I am really happy with the choice I made 15 years ago to marry this man. He is a real treasure and our lives are really happy! I love him to pieces. The really cool thing is that he loves me, too! Now that is a reason to celebrate!

On Wednesday (our anniversary) Kevin left work early and we went to see Harry Potter (a book we read together -- we've read over 60 together in our 15 years!) and then went out to eat. On Saturday, we took our canoe up Provo canyon and braved the rapids of Provo River! We survived the white water and were amazed at the gorgeous scenery that lies so close to us! We went out to lunch and then bought something for our home -- a monument to celebrate our first fifteen years -- a fountain! Then we came home and put it in! I love it! Isn't it great? "Happy fifteenth anniversary to us!"

I took the girls to the pool on Friday. Calianne "swam" along the first step from one side of the pool to the other (about 15 feet) with her head under water the whole way! She was so thrilled! She is still so thrilled! She keeps asking me to write it down! She has been thinking a lot about being a twin, lately. A couple of weeks ago she asked me if she and Cheyenne would die at the same time? That was an interesting thought to have. Today, she and Cheyenne wore some matching dresses to church. She said, "What if I forget who I am?" The good news is that I asked her several times during church and she didn't forget on any occasion. Sometimes I forget that life is different for them, even if it is in subtle ways. I bought a new package of panties for the twins this past week and as they started sorting through them grabbing pink ones to claim as their own, I said quickly, "No. We're just going to share." Cheyenne looked up at me and said, "Yeah. 'Cause twins share. Right, Mom?" It wasn't until that point that I realized that most people don't share their underwear. Heh, heh. Chalk that one up to another joy of twinhood!

Bethany has been working on cutting FOUR teeth this week! All of them along the top. She's had a fever on and off and often looks like this:

Poor thing. I'm trying to wean her, too, so life is often tough!

Last week, something momentous happened in Megan's life and we neglected to mention it. Megan has now joined the ranks of those who wear glasses! After we went to the optometrist and ordered the glasses, she asked me every day, every ten minutes if her glasses were in yet! She was so excited!! (Okay, I exaggerate, she stopped asking me every ten minutes after the first two days -- we had to wait seven -- days that is). It has now been a week and a half since she got her glasses and her feelings about them have shifted a complete 180 degrees. She hates them. She thinks they make her look ugly. She hasn't wanted to go to primary for the past two weeks (although she has) and she is absolutely DREADING the start of school. Poor thing. Of course, since I have worn glasses on and off for the past twenty-five years, my sympathy ran out rather quickly. I think she looks absolutely adorable, as always --

1 comment:

Eileen said...

We just had our 17th anniversary and we also put in a fountain!! Great minds think alike.