Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week of February 16 to February 22

Well, the neatest thing for me this week was that my big brother came to visit me! He was here in Utah for business so he drove down from SLC to visit me in my house for the first time ever. (He is a bit of a homebody -- which we will boast as a virtue rather than a vice!) He and I got to chat for about four hours -- just him and I (not without interruptions by little people, of course, but still, pretty continuous). Wow! He's a cool guy! I really do like him. I was glad he could stop by.

This week marked the last official week of city-league basketball here in Springville. Megan and my last game was actually last week. We had a lot of fun and, on my league, Megan can drive in and score just about every time she has the ball. Also, too bad if you're the girl she's assigned to guard, because she will steal that ball from you every time! Here's a picture of our budding basketball star:

Wednesday night was Sarah and Kevin's last game. Sarah had one of her best games ever, grabbing rebounds, making shots, and stealing balls. She was even fouled on one of her shots and made BOTH her free throws! (Her dad said, "Wow, Sarah! Your mom can't even do that!" Nice, huh?) Here's Sarah:

Kevin did a great job as coach and Sarah learned a lot and had a great time, as well. Watch out for the future Skinner Family Women's Basketball Team!

Here's a funny blurb from our life. The girls have discovered The Brady Bunch and have been recording all the episodes to watch after dinner. It is very funny to watch them watch those shows. The other day, Peter pulled a large black box out from under the bed where Marsha and Jan had been telling secrets. My girls said, "What is that?" I had to tell them that it was a tape recorder! Weird, huh? The other funny thing was that when I mentioned that Alice was the housekeeper, Mariah said, "No! She's the Grandma!" That really made me laugh. It just goes to show how much our Grandmas help around here!

Oh, I also had temporary color put in my hair, which is what my friend who does my hair recommended for "color virgins." LOL It should last about eight weeks I was told. The good news is that I really like it! Most people can't tell because it is so close to my haircolor. I had to ask Kevin if he noticed anything else different about my hair besides my new haircut. LOL

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