Sunday, February 23, 2025

There was no school on Monday because of President's Day. Ben had his friend Ben over. They started with a run and then pull-ups and then hot chocolate and then eggs and then more pull-ups and then some card games and then more pull-ups. I kind of lost track after that but you get the idea. I think they had a pretty fun day. Otherwise, Ben did go to a couple of track practices this week. The official season starts on Monday and perhaps then he will be an everyday goer. On Saturday night he went to Braydon's house with some other buddies so they could teach him how to play poker. Ben was unimpressed with poker and glad when they moved on to other games.

Bethany had a lot of sick days this week. She did make it to school most of Thursday and all of Friday so we are hoping we are on the up and up! She reminded me of how we had talked about trying all the sit-down restaurants in Springville so on Saturday, we got started! Beth, Ben, Savannah, Kevin, and I went for a late lunch to a new restaurant called Cody's. Beth helped us write down our categories for rating. Savannah made us a spreadsheet. Overall, we were not that impressed with Cody's. But, we are excited about our new quest!

Savannah also had a lot of sick days this week. She struggled with nausea, headache, and sore throat. Poor kid. She went to the doctor Friday evening to demand to know why she was always sick. They took blood for tests but she won't know until next week. On Saturday, though, she felt well enough to buy a second cockatiel from a listing on KSL. She had been thinking for awhile that her bird needed some company. He is an all-white bird whose name is Benny. He's very cute.

Kevin was very busy this week. He had two intensives scheduled and needed to do supervision and other work duties on top of that. He also had bishop stuff to do. On Saturday morning we went to a funeral for a sweet friend of ours from the Brookside ward. We loved hearing the stories his kids told about him about laughter and music. We feel so blessed to have known him.

I was busy with therapy hours and homework. It was a grey, cold week. I don't like those two things together. We saw the sun again on Saturday! I hope we see more of it!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

It was Savannah's birthday this week!!! She turned 29. This is the third year that we have made gluten-free Chinese food to celebrate! I made GF orange chicken, Megan brought GF potstickers, Sarah brought GF beef and green beans, and Mariah and Kolby brought the rice! It was a great meal and we had a super time celebrating Savannah! Afterwards we had GF birthday cake and she opened presents. We love that Savannah girl and are so glad she's part of our lives!

Benjamin was well this week and back in the thick of things! He still, however, missed two days of school! But it was because of field trips! The first was on Monday and was with Youth City Council. They took the train to Salt Lake City and got a tour of the capitol building and watched the state legislature in session and even pass a bill. It was super cool! On Wednesday, he missed school again because he had a trip with Master's Singers. They visited a high school's Broadway revue and then sang for a nursing home and made new friends. He had a good time there, too! He assures us that he is getting caught up with his homework, so that is great. Part of that was participating in the Chinese New Year celebration at the high school where he did a dance with his classmates on Thursday night. On Thursday he also had to give a Ted Talk for English and chose, "Why we should get ride of the electoral college." Despite all my efforts, he did not hold a Valentine's party but on Saturday he did let me take him to get his hair cut which he hated and also went to do baptisms with his friend which he loved.

Bethany missed most of school this week. She made it to musical theatre twice and choir once but mostly she felt really terrible and tried to stay very still with lots of blankets and her phone for distraction. We think it was a negative reaction to one of her medications so we are planning to not take that medication again and hope this week will be better! We did get a couple of visits from Lyla and Avery this week and Beth always enjoys that. Also, she rallied on Saturday long enough to get the hair cut she wanted. It looks super pretty!

This is a blanket party. Notice the snacks and the blanket tent in the background!

I had a lot more hours at work this week, which is great because I need the hours for class but also tricky because I am trying to balance being there to help my family and a lot of the hours are in the afternoon or evening. Still, everyone's been really great.

Kevin came to my work and did a training for the therapists on helping couples dealing with sexual betrayal. He did a great job which I knew he would! He really knows his stuff. For Valentine's Day, we went out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. We had to wait 2 hours for a table but we walked around the mall while we waited and the food was really good!

Monday, February 10, 2025

It was a great week! Bethany performed in her play on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. She did great! AND her body didn't let her down so that she could do it. Hurrah! I watched the last half on Thursday, Megan and Ammon watched Friday night (I got to watch Micah!), and Savannah, Kevin, Ben, and I were all there for closing night! Together we gave a standing ovation! We clapped for all the great performances, but Bethany was our favorite! She is very tired from this week but enjoyed it so much. I am so grateful!

Benjamin was sick all the way through Wednesday! So when they said five to seven days, Ben went the whole gamut all the way to seven. Poor kid. That fever just did not want to break. Once it did, Ben was nervous to go back to school because he'd been away so long! Still, he bit the bullet and went Thursday. He reported that his teachers were happy to see him back. I'm so glad his teachers like him. I sure do like him! On Saturday, he, Beth, and Kevin went to the nickel arcade and Chik-fil-A. They had a good time.

I went to a training in Ogden on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. It was an hour and a half drive each way, but it was worth it! I am now trained in Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). Basically I can now help people let go of the negative emotions related to past experiences. They keep the knowledge of the event but lose the pain. It's incredibly effective and has the potential to bring so much joy back into a person's life. I love it. I also love that my family was so supportive of me doing it. It was expensive and I was very absent for three days but everyone was super encouraging. I'm so blessed.

Kevin and Savannah have both been struggling with headaches this week but have still been able to do their work. They are hanging in there.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Bethany's play started this week!!! She had late-night rehearsals all week which are super draining, but she made it through with only minimal school days missed! Hurrah! Opening night was Friday and Kevin and I were there ON THE FRONT ROW! Best seats ever. The play is Mean Girls and Bethany has the part of Ms. Northcut who is the math teacher who helps the girls find themselves again. She rocked it! She did so well. She even does a song and dance with the Mathletes, "Let's do this thing!" It was really, really fun and so great to see her doing something she loves and brings her so much happiness.

She's in the ensemble, too.

Benjamin came home early on Wednesday with a high fever and he's been sick ever since. I've been able to bring his fever down with medication a couple of degrees but his fever has not broken. I took him to the doctor on Saturday and he tested positive for Influenza. The doc says he's not in any danger but the flu does take 5 to 7 days to resolve. So . . . we have our fingers crossed for Monday. When Avery heard he was sick she said, "Ohhh. Poor little guy." Our sentiments exactly!

Savannah was home sick a couple of days this week, as well. Hers was more headache and she is feeling better today. She was even able to give her Sunday School lesson which Beth, Kevin, and I enjoyed immensely!

On Saturday, we had the married kids come over and we watched Groundhog Day in the afternoon. It was super fun and afterwards Kevin made everyone French Dip sandwiches.

Kevin and Megan are working hard on advertising for their upcoming conference. I worked hard on a new website for the center where I'm working.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

I've been looking forward to this week because it was the week I started my second internship and would be able to do therapy again! Unfortunately, though, there was no one for me to see! So, instead my emotions took a nose dive and I was sad and anxious about the possibility of not being able to get my hours. After some brainstorming and time with my supervisor, though, and I am feeling more hopeful that things will work out! I am doing a mental health fireside for a YSA ward tonight and you bet I'm counting that as an hour of community education!

Bethany had two play practices this week and then a little break because of a statewide theatre conference that kept her colleagues busy in other pursuits! We appreciated the break. Still, she is loving the experience and we are all excited about opening night this coming week! She drove herself to school once this week and has been driving to practices. She even drove Ben to a friend's house on Friday night which was a great help! 

Benjamin went to guitar, track once, and tennis twice. He went to a friend's house on Friday night and they played board games and then played Fugitive in the neighborhood. Ben had a great time! Otherwise, he has friends who join him online in his video games. Sometimes we can get him to watch a show with us and hearing his reactions is always fun!

Savannah had a mostly full week at work. She did struggle with a cold a couple of times. She also went to the stake dance Friday night. She didn't meet anyone but had a good time.

Kevin continues to have a full schedule of clients, supervision, podcast creation, and conference planning at work. He is busy, busy all the time!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

 We celebrated Avery's birthday this week! She turned 3 years-old! She is a delight and we love her chatty, squealing, singing-to-every-topic self! Megan made Avery an incredible cake and Bethany decorated and we had dinner and presents and a great time!

It reminded me of her mom on her 3rd birthday. What special days!

Bethany had rehearsals every day after school this week and an all day rehearsal on Saturday. For the most part, she had a really good week. On Saturday after lunch though she started to feel sick. She pushed through, but after a nap when she got home that night she got really sick and started throwing up. We ended up driving her to the hospital. She felt a bit more in control of the pain by the time we got there so we just drove for a while longer and brought her home and put her to bed. She is shaky today and overwhelmed from the experience last night but mostly pain free. We'll take that.

Benjamin had guitar this week and two days of tennis and one of track. He went to a friend's house on Saturday night to watch a movie with a bunch of guy friends who usually play Minecraft online together. Sarah and Megan and Ammon came over on Saturday to play Acquire and they got Dad and Ben to play, too. Ben said it was his first time playing! (We are surprised because this is a family staple). He had a good time and decided he wants more board games in his life. I believe that can be arranged.

Savannah had to work the adjusted hour schedule at work this week and it about killed her. She does not do well having to wake up at 4:30 and work nine hours. By Thursday, she came home from work and slept until dinner. Went back to bed and still slept through half of the Friday half-day. She was a tired girlie!!!

I did homework and cleaned the house and read and spent time with my family. Kevin worked and created and brainstormed and tracked stocks. We hope you had a good week, as well!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

 First week back in school! Beth and Ben both seemed to have adjusted well to being back.

Bethany has two changes to her schedule. The first is that she moved her math class to online. She hasn't started it yet because of a delay in registration but the welcoming emails have been upbeat! The second is a psychology class. So far, she loves it! That feels like a win. She is in another musical (Mean Girls) which is part of a class but they did start after-school rehearsals this week. That happened twice this week and it tired her out completely but she made it and she kept up with her school schedule. That is also a major win! She went to a dance for theatre students on Saturday night with her friend Macie and they made some fun memories there, too!

Benjamin has only one change to his schedule for the new semester. He no longer has PE and instead has small engine repair. Everyday I've asked him if he knows how to fix an engine yet but apparently the teacher is still doing get-to-know-you activities. He has friends in the class, though, so he is inclined to like it. Also, I signed him up for some time playing group tennis. That started this week and is on Monday and Wednesdays. He thought it would be terrible, but ended up saying it was really fun! We'll take that as a win, as well. He also went to indoor track practice once this week. They ran four miles and he was a sore boy the next day!!

Savannah, Sarah, Megan, Mariah, and Kolby came with Kevin and I to Barnes and Noble on Saturday and we finished up our book-buying out-to-eat grandparent giftcards from Christmas. We had a fun time, got some good books, and ate at CupBop. Beth and Ben opted out this time but spent some fun time together at home.

Kevin's busy with the YSA ward and with work. Per a change in revenue design, he has been seeing a lot more individuals in private therapy once again but still working on online content. He also still loves researching all things stocks and private investing in his free time.

I have been doing homework. I started getting things ready for taxes and am continuing my photo project. I read articles on my phone about gut health and mental health and parenting. I kind of like how my phone pays attention to what I'm interested in and shows me more and more of it. I think it's making me smarter!

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Avery and Lyla were still with us for the first part of this week. On Monday, our adventure was to go to DI and then to the McDonald's playground. On Tuesday, Sarah and McKay didn't get back until late afternoon, so we took another adventure this time to the mall to play on the playground and sit in all the coin-operated trucks without putting coins in them. :)

Bethany helped Avery get ready for her parents to come home by helping her make a card and some confetti. They waited by the door and shouted surprise! and welcome home! Sarah cried and both Sarah and McKay were covered in hugs. They had a great time but they sure missed their kiddos!

That afternoon, Kevin had a chance to go to the BYU basketball game with an old friend, Kevin Simpson. They had a great time and even ran into a couple of their old friends from high school! It was super fun for him!

That night was New Year's Eve! Mariah and Kolby came over and the Kogers for a bit and the Mila girls. We played games until midnight and then toasted each other with Martinelli's! It was a fun night.

The next day was my birthday! I told Kevin I wanted to try to go four-wheeling so he got the four wheeler unhitched from the plow and all loaded on the trailer. We went to find the path I had heard of. We found it . . . but it was covered in snow! So we didn't go four wheeling even after all Kevin's work! But I sure appreciated the effort and the drive was very beautiful! Afterward, we went out for some hot soup for lunch and then to the mall for a foot massage. Ahhhh. Cali and Chey called me that evening. I love talking to them! That night, Megan and Ammon made mango salmon tacos and Savannah bought me a Magleby's cake. They sang to me and we played Family Clue. It was super fun.

Thursday I got my hair cut! And we tried a new doctor for Bethany. (Jury's still out on whether they can help or not.) On our way back, we stopped at the DMV and Beth got her driver's license! She's official!!!

Friday I did a lot of grocery shopping. Ben and Kevin played tennis.

Saturday we did a lot of cleaning and Kevin and I and Mariah and Kolby went to the temple to do sealings in the afternoon.

What a week! Happy New Year to all of you!!