Savannah got to help at the Provo Literacy Conference this week selling books through Funfinity. She had a great time being there! This Saturday she worked hard on her beehives, cleaning frames, and getting ready to split the hives. There could be twice as much honey in the fall!
I don't usually report on my married kids, but Megan got to go to nationals with the BYU women's racquetball team this week. She competed and got 2nd place and is now an All-American. Granted, this sport is not very big, but it is so cool that she has worked hard with early morning practices and daily training, and chose to add this to her life experience. It's so cool!
Mariah continues to work at Provo Rec and Springville Rec and she is getting tons of experience doing exactly what she wants to do and she is loving it. She's started dating her friend, Kolby, again and is very happy with that, as well. She's getting lots of running miles in as she hopes to run a marathon in June. She is very tired!
Cheyenne worked a couple of days this week at the assisted living center. She goes to track practices everyday and is practicing piano, getting ready for Festival next month. She ran in a track meet on Friday and I was able to watch her run the 100 meter hurdles. She did great!
Calianne got really sick this week with the 24-hour stomach flu. Poor girl! Both Cali and Chey worked really hard this week on Questival which is when the kids in the high school are invited to make teams and complete a series of challenges for points. Cali was team manager so she was uploading videos every spare moment even when she was sick! Some of the things they did was: drink a whole carton of KoolAid, take a shower with their clothes on, run a mile barefoot, dye someone's hair green, and my personal favorite this year: clean someone's kitchen. Fun times! Cali also worked at Funfinity a couple days this week and went to a couple track practices. She's also found time to practice piano for the upcoming Festival. It was a busy week!
Bethany had a sick day this week, too, but got herself back to school and even back to karate and track practices. She and Ben had a tournament on Saturday. Bethany won second place in kumite and Ben took first! Afterward, Beth and I took a quick trip together down to Cedar City to see cousin, Becca, perform in an opera! Aren't we cultured? It was great fun and we got to see cousins and family and be together!
Benjamin surprised us by expressing an interest in tennis lessons this week! So, guess how long we waited for the paint to dry on that one? He had his first lesson on Friday and really enjoyed it! Also, remember the karate tournament and the first place trophy. He's doing good things.
I finished a new middle-grade novel this week. Go me! It's titled, How Engineering Solves Every Problem Including Basketball, Boys, and Afghanistan. I needed to get it done by the 28th so I can submit it for a writing conference I'll be attending in June. The conference is WIFYR (pronounced WhyFur) and stands for Writing and Illustrating For Young Readers. It is organized as a workshop/small class and we'll each be receiving and giving feedback on each other's manuscripts. I'm looking forward to it!