Sunday, May 31, 2020

Monday was Memorial Day and Kevin was home! Yay! First thing in the morning we went for a hike! That's what we did last year! Maybe we are making a new tradition? This time we took the left trail at the second bench and took the Spring Creek Canyon Trail all the way to where it meets the road that goes up Camel's Back. It was beautiful! So green this time of year and the weather was nice and cool! Mariah, Chey, Cali, Beth, and Ben came with us. Five miles up and back with a climb of 1700 feet. Fun times!

The party wasn't done yet! Kevin wanted to reward everyone for their hard work in finishing their school years so we all met at Barnes and Noble that evening (including Savannah, Sarah and McKay, Megan and Ammon) and Kevin bought everyone a book! So generous and everyone just loved it. There's nothing like a trip to the bookstore! Thanks, Dad!

Tuesday through Friday went back to our usual routine. Savannah is still enjoying a bit of vacation before she starts looking for a new job. Mariah worked with Sarah everyday but is also starting to work on her Vietnamese through her pre-MTC class. Megan worked with Sarah some days and also has been looking for a job.

Cali and Chey continued working on class work for Driver's Ed all week. They finished Saturday! Yay! That has taken a lot of time and they are so glad it is done! Now they really feel like they are done with school for the summer. They also played a lot of tennis--open courts have started again plus their weekly lesson. Chey also has been playing a lot of basketball--open gyms started again, too! Cali decided she is happier without basketball in her life and will let Chey go that direction while filling her life with other things. Sounds great to me!

Cali and Chey also organized a hike for their friends this week! They invited all "The Fellas" and "The Amigas" who collectively are "The Flamingos," and they went up the right fork at the second bench. They didn't want to miss the sunrise (and they liked the added element of adventure and craziness) so they left at 4am! About 15 of them went and they had a great time playing games on top of the mountain waiting for the sun to come up. They came back to donuts and juice and played some GaGa ball before going back home. I'm so glad they planned something that brought them such happiness!

Ben had his friends (the Browskis) over three times this week and it was great to watch them play outside, jump on the trampoline, and attack each other with the hose. Beth went to the park with a friend once this week and they both went to the pool on Saturday with Beth's friend, Lily.

Saturday would have been the Art City Days Fun Run which we participate in EVERY year with about 2000 other people. Because of COVID19, it was cancelled months ago. However, we decided we would run it anyway! Megan made us shirts and we met at the starting line at 8:30. We ran (or walked and ran) the whole 5K and cheered for each other at the finish line! Afterwards, we came back to the house for a big waffle breakfast made by Kevin, of course, and then had a prize-drawing consisting of prizes we all donated for each other. We had a great time!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Monday was the first day of Ben's new club! I talked to the moms of the friends who he used to play with at recess (there are four of them who stick together) and asked if they might 1) feel comfortable with getting the boys together to play as long as it was outside and 2) be willing to bring their boys up here twice a week throughout the summer. There are a couple of boys around Ben's age who live up here but they have not worked out as reliable, day-to-day buddies. Ben's friends from school, on the other hand, were thrilled with the idea! They came up on Monday and Wednesday as per the plan, and then when Ben asked me to invite them on Friday and Saturday, too, they agreed and came those days too! The result is that Ben has the chance to be creative and social and outdoors for hours at a time. I love it! I'm so happy and Ben is, too!

On Tuesday, Grandma Gazdik invited us over for some fun times! Bethany went over early in the day to help Grandma get ready. We had pizza and watched Savannah Smiles. Kevin and I headed home after that (as did Megan and Ammon) but the rest of the kids stayed for a sleep over--just like old times! Poor Mariah wasn't feeling well, so she came home, too. She was sad to miss it! It was a really fun event and I'm so glad Grandma planned it for us all. We love that gal!

On Wednesday, Ben's friends came over again, Cali and Chey continued with their online driver's ed homework (which seems to require work from dawn to dusk every day!) and practiced tennis, Mariah worked as usual for most of the day with Sarah in the warehouse, Beth did a little work and texted friends and entertained herself, Savannah helped me out by taking the van in for a new windshield.

On Thursday, Kevin had to work, but the rest of us (and I mean ALL of us, including our two married couples and their spouses,) piled into the van and drove to Cedar City! My sister's daughter, Liz, was graduating from high school and a barbecue was planned! What a great reason to get together with family we hadn't seen in awhile! In addition to my sister Maggie's family, my mom came and brought my sister, Amy's, oldest three daughters. My brother, Pete's, son, Scott, who graduated this year, too, drove up, as well! Aw, fun times! We all brought something for the barbecue and we ate pulled-pork sandwiches while watching Liz's graduation on YouTube. Then we went to a nearby park and the kids played "keep the soccer ball in the air" and spike ball and ultimate frisbee. Us older people sat in camp chairs and talked. It was really fun to be together and it was a beautiful day!

Friday would have been the last official day of school and Bethany's last official day in elementary school for her whole life! She is a sixth-grade graduate! We are proud of her and all her hard work, and the sweet, kind girl that she is. She is ready for junior high!

Saturday saw the twins finishing up this week's work for driver's ed, which included going over car-care with their dad. Cheyenne also braved the interstate for the first time. Calianne braved it last week. That evening, we got together at the high school for some family softball! Boy was it fun! Even our new sons-in-law play great softball--and you know our kids can. When we got home, we had ice cream and watched a movie together. We're getting kind of good at these family activities. ;)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Megan and Ammon were able to be sealed this week! The church announced on the day they got married that some temples would open on Monday for live sealings. They were able to get in on Tuesday morning! It was interesting, because Megan and Ammon were thinking that they'd like to wait to be sealed when they could invite lots of friends and family (right now, only six guests are allowed), but they prayed and both felt that they shouldn't wait. The feeling in the sealing room was peaceful and holy. Savannah looked around at all the empty chairs and thought it was too bad they were all empty, but then she thought, "I bet they're not empty at all." Which feels so right, how could it not be true? Ammon's parents came, Kevin and I, Mariah and Savannah.

We all had to wear masks. We took this pic for the history books.

Afterwards, we met with the rest of the fam at a park and had a picnic and talked and had fun. Megan and Ammon had just finished their honeymoon which they enjoyed at a cabin near Sundance that Kevin's partner's dad let them use. It had a kitchen and a TV -- and a hot tub! They also did some hiking. So . . . those two have had it all! All's left is the big reception. We will come back to that idea later. Maybe one year anniversary? Ha ha!

This was the last week of schoolwork for my high schoolers! Yay! They finished work in all their classes and took their chemistry finals and their math finals and who knows what else. Last month we signed them up for May's driver's ed so they started that this week and it has been an unwelcome addition of even more work! (Sorry, guys). Only two more weeks of that and they won't have regular classes to worry about going forward so things will be better.

I think Beth and Ben are done with schoolwork, too. I think next week they will just be given fun stuff. At least that's what Beth's teacher said, and I'm hoping it will be the same for Ben. Beth has done well with online work, but Ben has really struggled. He made it through another week, though! Yay! Yay for me too!

Mornings at our house during quarantine.
We did some fun stuff as a family this week. During spring break, I bought some flag belts for flag football (for Ben, really) and we had never gotten around to playing. On Thursday night, Sarah, McKay, Ammon, and Megan all met us at a local park and we had so much fun playing football! -- once we got all the rules figured out. Ha ha! Then we had some doughnuts, Savannah, Beth, and Ben went home to get warm, and Kevin and I watched the rest challenge the local teenagers to a game of Ultimate Frisbee. We have a lot of really good ultimate frisbee players in the fam! It was a really fun night.

Saturday saw us in the park again. Ostensibly to celebrate the end of the school year, but also to celebrate Jim's birthday. We had fried chicken and jello and macaroni salad. This time the game of choice was spikeball but there was also tree climbing and swinging and a little tag. We love our trips up the canyon with Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Megan and Ammon got married! The bride was beautiful, the groom was handsome, the weather was amazing, and we even decorated pretty darn well if I do say so myself! Although, with a backdrop like we have in our backyard, we got helped along quite a bit! How lucky we are, but mostly lucky to be having such a happy event. We are so happy for Megan and Ammon--that they've found each other and are ready to start a life together.

So . . . some details if you're interested:  We started about 5pm and had what we hoped was a pretty traditional walk down the aisle with flower girls (Beth and Ammon's niece, Ember) strewing rose petals, then Ben came with the rings on a pillow, then Kevin walked Megan down the aisle. It was all very lovely. Kevin gave a little talk and then Ammon and Megan had each prepared something to say to the other--what they loved about each other and their promises to each other. Then Kevin did the ceremony, they both said "I do," and they kissed as man and wife. Yay!

Afterwards, we took lots of pictures and had pulled pork and lots of salads for dinner. Then the kids sang a song they wrote about Ammon and then Ammon and McKay sang a song they wrote about marrying Skinners! Finally, Beth sang the song Kevin's grandpa wrote for his grandma. After we cut the cake, we had an open mic and let anyone who wanted to have the chance to tell stories about the bride and groom. We finished with the bride and groom's first dance being handed off by their father and mother respectively. After Megan changed, we threw rose petals at them and cheered as they ran to their car.

It was a really fun evening and after the Gerbers left, my kids continued to dance under the lights in the backyard while McKay played music. Some parties you just don't want to see end!

The next day, Megan sent me a message thanking me for everything and saying that everything was "perfect." Which is exactly what I was hoping for from the day--that Megan would have a memory she would always cherish. One should about their wedding day!

Otherwise, this week was a lot like our others with the kids doing schoolwork every day (yes, even the day of the wedding). We did arrange with Ben's friend, Nico, who lives up here for them to have permission to play as long as it was outside and that's been wonderful for him.  We also found a new tennis teacher for Cali and Chey and they have renewed motivation for the sport! That's been good, too.

Kevin's been teaching at a conference all weekend. If things were normal, he would have been in Palm Springs. Instead, he is at home working hard during the day, but we get to see him at night! Last night, we had a pre-mother's day event. I wanted to have a picnic and hike to Battle Creek Falls. So we did! Afterwards, we got treats at McDonald's drive-thru. Meg and Ammon even met us for the picnic part. It was great to be together!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

On Sunday of last week, Megan and Ammon decided to move up their wedding date from May 23rd, to May 7th! They decided, "What are we waiting for?" They have no temple date since we know temples are officially closed at least through the end of May, no big reception to execute, no MCAT scheduled for Ammon, and Hawaii, the place of their planned honeymoon, officially all closed up through the end of May.

Last Sunday, not related, but looking over a cliff might be compared to making the decision to just get married already!

So, we have been making new, smaller plans. We will have family only in our backyard--that still adds up to 28 people, but since Utah now okay'd gatherings of 20, we figure since its our family (and Ammon's) and in our yard, we are still following the spirit of the law. We have ordered silk flowers and hanging lights online and Ammon and Megan have been busy weeding in the backyard and have planted some new flowers, too! We will have music and food and Kevin got a certificate online to be the officiator. It should be really lovely and when all this COVID19 stuff is over, we will have their temple sealing and a really, really big party!

Mariah finished her Dixie classes this week! Yay! She officially finished her first year of college. Way to go Mariah! She continued to work with Sarah all week. Megan even worked with them for a couple of days to "up" the sisterly bonding, ya know! She is great fun to have around and has gone on runs with her sisters and walks when they need to get out. She even played some basketball with some guy friends who are "temporary" RMs. She won, of course.

Mariah took this picture while walking with Chey and Ben!
Chey and Cali continue to work hard on school. I've heard there are kids who have just given up on their classes. I'm really grateful for these two who care so much about getting their work done. I'm proud of them! I also sense a relaxing in them as the pressures of sports and friends have become nonexistent. They can tell they are less stressed too, and have even expressed appreciation for some of the changes this quarantine has forced on them. I think that shows valuable reflection in them.

Beth does really well with her work, as well. She doesn't have as much as anybody else but she is very diligent and gets everything done quickly. She still plays with the girls across the street, and with the weather getting nicer, playing outside is easier, even for Beth's favorite board game, Betrayal. We have had some rainy days, but Beth and Annaliese have started playing Barbies through Facetime. It totally works!

Giving new meaning to "board game!"
Ben has gotten his work done but it takes him most of the day, and like last week, by Friday he's just had too much and the complaints hit all-time highs! He has very much enjoyed some of the rain storms. He grabs an umbrella and goes out to jump on the trampoline! (I know the umbrella makes zero sense, but just try to talk that boy out of something! Not worth the effort and besides, he looks cute.)

Savannah is much, much happier without homework or deadlines hanging over her head. She can now give all her attention to work. It's a good thing she is free because Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik are working on a 1000 piece puzzle and they've called on her a couple of times to, "Come help!" and she has gladly done just that!

Sarah and McKay sometimes get drafted, too!
Kevin was scheduled to fly to a conference this weekend and teach a workshop. He didn't, of course, but he did get to teach it online and had about 150 attendees. I for one, am a fan of these virtual conferences! They keep my husband home!

The kids have been rewatching an old favorite, Sunny with a Chance!

We bought a spike ball set and Chey took this artistic shot! It's been fun to learn to play.