Sunday, January 28, 2018

We got Sadie back this week!  I was so surprised, I cried.  A man called Monday around noon.  He'd found her the day she got lost but didn't know how to find us (we didn't have tags on her).  So, he took her home with his dogs.  He tried calling the pound but they wanted him to bring her in and he didn't trust them not to euthanize her.  He found our "Lost Dog" ad on KSL on Monday and called and we were reunited!  In the meantime, Sadie went on lots of hunts with him and his dogs.  She treed two raccoons and a mountain lion and convinced the man who found her that she was the best hound who ever lived.  He is confident that Sadie could win the Western Trials and be worth near $10,000.  We asked Chey if she maybe wanted to trade Sadie for her college education, but alas, the dog has her heart.  So, Sadie, who was very happy to see us, will continue spending her days sleeping on our couch and submitting to the occasional head scratch and belly rub.  What a life!

Sarah worked four-hundred hours this week or what felt like it anyway.  She substituted everyday Monday thru Friday and went straight to the Brick Oven to close on MWF and Sat.  She did it!  Her feet hurt always even after a full night's sleep and she became concerned that her patience had evaporated to the point that she might murder her some third-graders.  But she continues to be cheerful and plow on!  On Tuesday (one of her only nights off), she organized a group to see The Greatest Showman at the movie theatre.  Cheyenne, Cali, Bethany, Hannah, Grandma Gazdik, Megan, and Ammon (a boy Meg's been dating) all went.  They had a great time.

Mariah only had one game this week and it was on Friday.  She played for most of the game and was the team's high scorer with 14 points.  We won!  It was a really fun game to watch.  She wasn't able to go with her sisters to see the movie on Tuesday night, but did go see it Saturday with a friend from our old ward.  She continues to wear the Letterman's sweater that we got her for Christmas and I finally took a picture of it!

Chey and Cali had a bantam basketball game this week on Wednesday night.  Their coach (Kevin) reports that they are improving and doing a lot of good things.  They won!  They had play rehearsals and piano lessons.  The old flip-phone they had been sharing has been glitching so Kevin took them to T-Mobile on Saturday.  They each bought their own phone and we bought another line so now they both have their own phones!  Fun times!

Bethany had a basketball game this week and along with playing great defense, made three baskets!  On Saturday, she went to visit her friend Josie who lives an hour away.  She stayed all day and had a great time!

Benjamin had karate and guitar lessons.  He got an award in school for working hard and making marked improvement in his Chinese (he's been working with his dad!)

Kevin and I got invited to play tennis with some friends of ours on Friday night.  We had a court for a couple of hours at their fitness club and it was a ton of fun!

Our college kids, Savannah and Megan, came home last Sunday for dinner and they are doing well.  Balancing work and classes and homework is hard and they feel overwhelmed sometimes but they are plowing through!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Our college kids usually come home on Sunday evenings for dinner.  Last Sunday we didn't get to see them, though, because they went to Salt Lake to be at the young single adult broadcast in person in the conference center!  They had so much fun and were inspired by President Uchtdorf.  I think its super cool that they wanted to go.

Monday was a holiday and we managed to get our act together and have a family activity!  We gathered everyone up and went to the Ice Castles in Midway.  It was really pretty and there were some fun ice slides but it was being together that made it super fun!  Afterwards we went to Dairy Keen for burgers and shakes.  It was a fun day.

On Tuesday, Beth and Ben had a belt test in karate and they both levelled up.  They're pretty fun to watch!  Beth also had a basketball game on Thursday and sewing on Friday.  On Saturday, she got to go to a birthday party at HangTime and jump on trampolines!

Benjamin and I had guitar lessons on Saturday.  We're getting better and having a good time together!  He's got a bad cough today.  Poor kid.

Mariah played in two basketball games this week.  They haven't won again but she is very fun to watch!

Cali and Chey had play rehearsals and piano lessons and a basketball game.  They had a friend over on Saturday and took the sleds out in the new snow!  The semester changed on Tuesday and they have two new classes for the semester:  Foods and Sewing.  They are excited!

Sarah was able to substitute at Brookside for kindergarten once this week.  She saw a couple of her kids from her high school preschool class!  She also worked 27 hours at Brick Oven and babysat for her twins three days as well.  She did manage to squeeze in some fun, though.  On Saturday, she and Megan went to watch a BYU Men's tennis match and had a great time together!

I did a bunch of accounting this week because my client's books were all messed up from automation.  Ugh.  Especially since I wanted to be spending my time writing my new novel!

Kevin spent three days with two couples in intensive counseling this week.  He's also making progress on his assessment website and still getting in 11,000 steps a day even though his hiking buddy may have left us for good.  She is missed.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

We had stormy weather and high winds this week.  It was a relief to see the sun again on Thursday.  I am not sure how I ever survived living in the Midwest!  I guess you get used to what you get used to!

Savannah and Megan went back to school this week and back to work.  Their classes started at BYU!  Savannah has changed her major to Information Systems.  It's still a computer-focused major but in the business school!  So, this semester she's taking Finance and Marketing (among other things).  Sounds fun to me!  Megan has a fun class too:  Accounting!  She is a bit more excited about her Drawing class and Art through the Ages.  I'm excited for her, too.  She also changed her work schedule so that she has the 6:45am to 11:00 shift MWF.  The trick will be staying awake in her classes!

Sarah attended the mandatory training for substitute teachers on Monday and had her first day of substituting on Wednesday (she was waylaid by several computer glitches on Tuesday!)  She did kindergarten on Wednesday, 2nd grade on Thursday, and 6th grade on Friday.  She reports that kindergarten was by far the best and 6th the very worst!  She comes back cheerful and laughing no matter what the day was like so we are confident that this career is a good match for her!  She also worked at Brick Oven until late on MWF and Sat!  She said the task of cooking pasta has even been following her into her dreams.  It's a grueling schedule but she is doing well with it and has less time to pine for Rexburg this way!

Mariah had home basketball games on Tuesday and on Friday.  They were both super-close games!  But we did lose.  :(  They're playing really well, though and we always love watching our Mariah.  She is managing to stay up to date in all her classes in spite of all the practices, etc.  She is even managing to do some stuff with other friends.  She went to a five-hour birthday party on Saturday and after her game on Friday, she went to a church gym and played basketball with some guy friends of hers.  Only her curfew could pry her away!

Cheyenne and Calianne had play rehearsals a couple of times this week, two basketball practices, three basketball games, and restarted piano lessons.  They still managed to complain of boredom at times, too!  They probably need more homework.  There was no school on Friday, and Cheyenne took Beth and Ben to the Provo Rec Center for me to do some swimming!  They loved it and I was super grateful.

Bethany had piano lessons and her second Springville Rec basketball game.  She is playing really great but her sensitive nature does not like the anger in the faces of people on the other team!  She and Ben had a belt test in karate this week and they both moved up a junior level.  They are really enjoying it!

In addition to karate this week, Ben and I also had our guitar lesson.  We are getting pretty good at singing "Rocky Mountain."  Watch out!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

My birthday was on Monday.  I turned 45 and Kevin and I went out to eat and to the movies (Star Wars!) and even did a little shopping afterward.  All that even though we had stayed up until 2am the night before!  We had the Groslands over for our traditional New Year's Eve game night/new year countdown/midnight hike (which some participants got a little overly enthusiastic about and got back at 2am!).  Before that we had a yummy birthday dinner provided by Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik at their house.  Fun times for me!  Everyone always makes my birthday so fun!

School started again on Tuesday.  Groans abounded at the Skinner house, let me tell you.  Still, Mariah went back to basketball which she loves (and didn't really take a break from) and Cali and Chey went back to starting play rehearsals and Beth and Ben started a new carpool which we were all kind of excited about.  So, things work out.

Savannah went back to work and got quite a few hours in this week.  She also had some of her girlfriends over on Saturday night for games and popcorn before school starts again for those college people.  Cali and Chey and Beth were included and were thrilled she decided to have a party.  Me too!

Sarah got TWO jobs this week!  Go Sarah!  She interviewed with Kelly to work as a substitute in the school system.  She has to attend a 2 hour training before she starts and that will be Monday.  She also interviewed at the Brick Oven and started the next day working in the salad bar room.  She had three shifts this week and the dollar earning has begun!

Megan has been trying to really relish her last days of freedom!  She has hiked the mountains with Sadie, finished several books and a puzzle, and hung out with Alisa.  She even went out on a date on Saturday night and doubled with Sarah!  They went laser tagging and had a lot of fun.  We've been going over her schedule and trying to stick our courage to the sticking place.  It's going to all be good. . .  (We are also practicing our Positive Mental Attitude).

Mariah had only one game this week and they WON!  This is momentous since in pre-season, they lost 11 games with not one win.  We think regular season play will be a lot better.  We shall see!  Mariah sank two three pointers in two consecutive possessions.  It was beautiful.  Our whole family went to watch at the away game, too, so that was momentous and beautiful, too!

Cali and Chey started their play practices.  They don't do a lot so maybe they will like this experience and maybe be bored to death?  They also had their first Springville Rec basketball game (fun!) and a Bantam basketball game (not so fun!).  Being with their friends, though, is always fun.  Also, Cali is finishing her drama class and they had a performance where Cali sang and danced and hammed it up on stage.  She is pretty awesome!

Bethany found out that some of the girls in our ward attend a sewing class at the Corn Wagon every other Friday, so Beth is going to try it, too!  She went on Friday and started work on her project bag.  She thinks it will be a lot of fun.

Benjamin and I had our second guitar lesson on Saturday.  We can almost play a whole song!  It is fun and Ben likes our teacher's laugh.