My mom and dad came on Tuesday of this week! They came early for Thanksgiving. We were thrilled to have them. It was a busy day with piano lessons for Cali and Cheyenne, dance lessons for Bethany, first SHS basketball games for Mariah and Dad, and YW for Sarah and Megan. Benjamin and I skipped wrestling to visit with Grandma and Grandpa! (Mariah did not actually get to play in the first basketball games that happened on Tuesday because of her twisted ankle, but she and Kevin had a great time watching and cheering!)
Grandma and Grandpa went to the AT&T store on Wednesday and got Grandma a new iPhone! It happened to be just the same as mine, so I showed her everything I knew. Cali, Chey, Beth, and Ben spent some time in the backyard making teepees!
Sarah and Meg both worked on Wednesday. We were going make pies but Meg was too exhausted when she got back from work. So we all watched Support Your Local Sheriff instead!
It was tons of fun. Cali and Chey also made us some pilgrim place markers that were adorable!
Thursday was Thanksgiving! Meg and I made pies in the morning, Cali and Chey formed rolls in crescent shapes like they learned in activity days, and Mariah made us a cheese ball in the shape of a turkey!
Then it was time to head over to Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik’s house for turkey dinner! They made delicious turkey and potatoes and stuffing and yams and jello salad. What a feast!
we played a rousing game of reverse charades and when our stomachs were ready,
celebrated Mariah’s birthday by putting candles in the pumpkin pie! We stayed for a Hallmark movie, too. We all had a really good time. Back at our house we watched another movie
all together that we had been hoping to see for awhile: Tomorrowland!
On Friday
we decorated for Christmas! We pulled
out the boxes and put together the tree and got out the camera for the fifteen
minutes it takes to decorate the tree!
Kevin even went out and put up the lights. That afternoon, Grandma and Grandpa Gazdik,
Grandma Elton, Kevin, and I went to the temple for a “White Friday” ushering in
of the Christmas season! G&G ordered
us pizza for dinner and we watched What’s Up Doc? For our third movie night in
a row! So fun!
On Saturday G&G didn’t need to leave until one, so Grandma, Sarah, and I went to take advantage of the great sale at JoAnn’s and Grandpa, Megan, and Mariah went to browse our city art museum. We had such a great visit! I’m so thankful for my great parents and all our grandparents and all my terrific kids and that we got to spend so much time together this week! And even though Savannah wasn’t with us, I’m so thankful for her commitment to go on a mission! Life is so good.