The big news of the week is that we got our first broken arm in the Skinner family. Poor little Cheyenne! On Tuesday night, Chey, Cali, and Mariah were in the backyard with the neighbors playing the game that was currently their favorite -- seeing who could jump from the swing and land the farthest away. (Seriously, what mom knows their children are playing this game and continues to let them play it? Me, of course.) Cheyenne was swinging high, Mariah was cheering her on, "coaching" her for the win, and well, the landing was much more jarring than anyone had anticipated.
By then it was nine at night. I knew it might be broken, but my only options for medical care would have been an emergency room, so I bandaged it up and took her to the pediatrician in the morning. But wait! the story does not end there! At the pediatrician's, we found out that the break was more than 15 degrees "angulated," so Cheyenne would need to see an Orthopedic doctor. (Yikes! More money!) So, they bandaged her up well and we went to the office of the specialists on Friday morning.
There, the Ortho told me that it was 20 degrees angulated and that it was supposed to be 10 degrees the other direction, so it was actually 30 degrees out of position. He recommended that we have her come back to the hospital on Monday, put her to sleep, and he would straighten it out while she was under anesthesia. (Yikes, yikes, yikes!! Tons of money!) He also said that we could leave it as it was and since she is so young and the bone still growing, within a couple of years, it would be mostly straight again. She may lose a little bit of motion, but it would be mostly fine. Groan. I really did not like either option.
I said, "Look, I have a really high deductible, and yes, I want it fixed, and no, I don't want her to be in pain, but aren't there any other options?" He looked at me, he looked at Cheyenne, he stared at the ceiling for awhile, then he said, "What we could do . . . We can go ahead and cast the arm, then while the cast is still wet, I'll give it a good push. It'll hurt really bad for about 2 minutes and then she'll be fine. We can do that if you want." I wanted.
Poor Chey. That was, of course, the very worst part. Cheyenne is not a kicker and a fighter, she just cried and begged them to stop. I felt so bad for her! But true to his word, in two minutes it was over. They re-x-rayed her arm, and it looked tons better! Dr. Larson was my new favorite person in the whole world! And Cheyenne, my hero. Kevin and I took her out to McDonald's for lunch and then to Funfinity for a special gift to help her always remember her bravery that day and to show her that bravery results in good things. By the next morning she had forgotten the trauma enough to say, "Mom, now I want to break my arm again and have the doctor push on it so I can get another present!" Wow. That child really, really likes presents!
So . . . all's well that ends well.
The other thing that broke in our house this week was the dishwasher. Horrors! Thankfully, we bought the service plan when we bought the dishwasher, so the repairs are already paid for. Unfortunately, they had to order the parts and they won't be able to repair it until the 20th. It is not a happy thing to lose your dishwasher in a house of ten people.
We also had record-breaking heat this week. We sweated and toiled over sink-fulls of hot water and worried about money and took children to doctor's offices.
Sarah had tennis twice a day all week again. The heroic news is that Sarah made the high school tennis team! The coach kept all 20 some girls, but we still think it is a heroic thing for Sarah to have made the team since she had to go to all those practices in the hottest part of the summer! Plus, we think it is such a great thing for her. We couldn't pay for training like that! And it will be so much fun. Yay for Sarah's perseverance! Sarah also watched The Scarlet Pimpernel three times this week. Kevin got it from Netflix and now it is Sarah's favorite movie. Sink Me!
Mariah started soccer this week and had her first two practices. This is the same coach she's had for the last three years on city league and we love him. Since it was the same coach and (mostly) the same team, Mariah is happy to be back and playing soccer again!
Savannah had cross-country practice every morning and worked almost every day. She also managed to go out with Scott a couple of times. He reports to the MTC this week.
Megan laid back and chilled. Sarah made her watch the Scarlet Pimpernel. She babysat on Friday night and hung out with her friend, Parker, on Saturday night.
Bethany played with Cali and Cheyenne and the little sisters of whoever they played with that day. She also asked me everyday if it was time for preschool yet and made me read The Rattlebang Picnic at least three times. She's had a tough week because we are out of chocolate milk and I haven't gone to the store to get more.
Benjamin has figured out how to turn on the water in the front yard. I am really hoping that this is not his new thing, considering this afternoon he turned the hose on through the open front windows of the house.
As for me, I sewed another dress this week. Why do I sew so much lately? It is a mystery. How do I have so much time? I really don't know. Maybe it is because I don't have a baby anymore. Nothing ever stays the same in this funky career called Motherhood. How am I supposed to get used to anything? Ah well, I will enjoy my extra minutes until they mysteriously disappear once again.