Monday, October 31, 2011


We carved pumpkins this week!  The little ones got help from bigger ones.

DSC08066 DSC08068 And we all made a gigantic mess!DSC08070 Ben had no idea what we were doing, but he was game!  He thought it was great!DSC08082He even tried to eat his pumpkin, which is actually quite sensible compared with what the rest of us were showing him to do with this large vegetable.  Right?DSC08083  Bethany, with Dad’s help, got done pretty quickly.  So she took advantage of the general chaos to entertain herself in other ways:DSC08081Cute pictures, huh?  She just started drawing faces this week!  I always think it is such an important first – right up there with first steps and first words, etc.  These ones she told me were ghosts.  I’m totally seeing it.  (It did wash right off.  I love laminate tables!)

I had one of my busiest days ever this week.  On Tuesday, I did Activity Days with Mariah from 4:30 to 5:30.  Then I did basketball with the twins from 6 to 7.  Then Savannah had to go to a concert at BYU which started at 7:30.  That’s some night, huh?  It’s nice how they all lined up, though.  As long as nothing overlaps, I guess it’s doable,  huh?  It was doable with help from my good husband and kids who took care of everyone else when I was gone and handed me a taco between events.  The concert at BYU was the Symphony Orchestra, which is the ensemble I played in while at BYU.  It was neat to go back and hear them.  The conductor was the student conductor who led us when I was a student.  Funny, huh?  I guess it’s been a day or two since then.  It doesn’t really feel like it, though.

Savannah and Sarah had youth conference this weekend.  It was just our ward and they called each of the youth on a “mission,” gave them a companion, sent them to a country, had them do service, a p-day activity, and even teach discussions.  It turned out really, really well.  Savannah and Sarah both had a really good experience.  Afterwards, Sarah sat on the couch and sighed, “You know how people say after their missions that they wish they were still there?  Well, I feel the same way.  I wish youth conference wasn’t over.”  Bravo to all the adults who made it happen and gave them things to think about and an experience to remember.

Finally, this weekend was also the long-awaited grand opening of Springville’s new library!  Huzzah!!  EVERYONE in Springville was there.  Even Red Riding Hood who I didn’t even know lived in Springville!DSC08063 We heard the orchestra play, the little girls got their faces painted, we saw a magic show, and best of all . . . we checked out books.  IT was awesome.  We are so glad to have a library again!  I went back again later with Savannah and Sarah (who had been at youth conference in the morning) to see Brandon Mull, author of Fablehaven, and hear him speak.  It was so fun!  Savannah and her friend, Miranda, even stood in line afterwards for an hour and a half so he could sign their well-loved books.  I went home and came back to pick them up when they were done.  I’m like that.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I got the girls’ pictures taken last week.  No family picture this time, just updates on the girls.  Aren’t they beautiful?  My life and my heart are full because of them!

Well, 1st and 2nd grade basketball started this week  and guess who is playing?  Cheyenne and Calianne!  And guess who is their coach?  You guessed it, yours truly.  I was going to take a pictue, but I forgot.  Anyway, it was really, really, really chaotic.  This is Springville’s first year of doing a league for kids this young and they don’t have things figured out quite yet.  Still, the twins had fun AND they got treats.  What could be better?

As far as important firsts go, we had another one this week.  Guess who got a job?DSC08036 Savannah got hired at Funfinity, our local, small-town, everybody-loves-to-pack-inside-there toy/bookstore!  Her friend’s parents own the store, so she had an “in,” but we are still proud of her for the gumption to desire a job and to go after it.  (She actually has worked before as an ump for Springville Recreation, so it is not officially a first, but we will count it anyway.)  She’ll be working about 12 hours a week from now on.  We think it is great!DSC08035

My sister, Maggie, surprised us by coming up for a visit this weekend with Becca, Emily, Liz, and Dylan!  We were so glad that she did!  Although she lives about three hours from us in, Cedar City, everyone in Utah had no school on Thursday or Friday for “Fall Break.”  Our kids were so happy to see each other!!!!  On Friday we had time for dinner and a movie here at the house, but on Saturday we did a little adventuring.  First we went up to Squaw Peak for it’s stunning view of the valley!DSC08038DSC08042 Then we went down into Provo Canyon for a picnic.


This was us while we were still happy – before the wasps scented our jelly and tried to carry our sandwiches away.  I much prefer ants at picnics!  Just FYI.

Then we walked over to Bridal Veil Falls.  It was so beautiful!DSC08058DSC08057This also marked an important first:  the first time I have visited Bridal Veil with no one falling in!

The Gillespies stayed for dinner before they headed for home.  They also staged a pretty intense haunted house in the basement that everyone had to go through at least twice before they were willing to pack it up and say goodbye.  They’re all so creative!  I love it!  It was a really fun visit!  We were all so glad that they came! 

Before the night was done, however, we had one more important first.  Sarah got to go to her first church dance!DSC08061 She was kind of scared to go!  But I said, “Yes, you have to.”  And Savannah said, “Come on!  It’ll be fun!”  And you know, when Savannah decides something will be fun – it totally is!  They had a great time and Savannah got to show Sarah how it’s all done. 

One more item of note, Kevin, Savannah, Mariah, and I ran in a 5K early Saturday morning!2011-10-24 Yes, that is us before the sun was up.  It was COLD!  I tried again to break 27 minutes that morning, but alas, and alack, I was again unsuccessful.  *sob*  BUT, I got to run with all the people in my family who were running, I ran strong, and my averages were good.  It was a beautiful route, too!  I am really close!  I will try again next summer.  Thanks for running with me Kevin, Savannah, and Mariah!  You guys are the best!

Monday, October 17, 2011


On Tuesday of this week, Sarah had her JV tennis tournament to finish out her tennis year!  It was all day.  She had to be at the high school (yes, our high school even though the teams were from all over the district!  Nice, huh?) at 7:30am and she got done about 3:30pm.  It was a long day.  She played seven matches (games?  I’m still confused on my tennis terms) to 6 points.  She and best friend, Allyson, played first JV doubles.

DSC07982 They got along really well and didn’t try to kill each other (mostly).DSC07996 DSC07994 After all those games (matches, whatever . . . ) it turned out that only two other teams could beat them.  They came in third place!  Go Sarah!DSC08002 Boy was she sore (and grumpy!) the next day.  But even with that, she and Allyson agreed that they’d like to be put into a frozen sleep for the next 10 months and wake up only when tennis starts again.  Because, without tennis, life is just not worth living!

Tuesday was also crazy hair day at the elementary school!DSC08000 I forgot to take their picture in the morning, so this is after school, when they’re like, “Seriously Mom?  We are so worn out!”

Also on Tuesday, (it was kind of a busy day . . .) Megan’s CTE class developed a day for preschoolers and Meg invited Bethany to come.  She made a ghost and a spider and sang songs and got a pumpkin nametag necklace and a snack!  All in one hour!  Way to go Meg (and your class)!  Bethany had a great time going to Megan’s school!DSC07997

So, yes, Tuesday was a busy day, so it’s a good thing my ankle was feeling better, although no way was it 100% and I was still walking very slowly.  Did I mention I twisted my ankle?  Again?Monday, while on my 6am run (in the dark) I didn’t see the lip of the road, fell, and twisted my ankle.  Tarnation!  Providentially, my good husband had decided to trot along with me that morning.  He ran home for the car and chauffeured me to warmth and safety and a chair to prop my throbbing ankle up upon.  It was frustrating and painful, of course, but it turned out to not be as bad as last year’s and I am running again, already.  (I know you were worried about that!)

Wednesday was not nearly as busy during the day, but we had a pretty busy evening.  Megan cheered at the high school.  It was the first game of the football tournament – single elimination – and they LOST!  We were all surprised since their team had done so well all year!  So, that was Meg’s last night to cheer.  I was glad we all got a chance to be there even if only for a little bit.  I even recorded her cheering so you can see her in action!

We couldn’t stay for long because Savannah had a choir concert inside the high school.  It was their first performance of the year, and they sounded great.  Savannah sang with feeling, as always, and is great to watch!  We got to hear all the choirs at the high school and all the choirs from the junior high.  They mostly just sang one song apiece but it was a fun way to see everything that is out there.  Savannah looked amazing, as always.DSC08008 

I don’t think I did anything on Thursday (aw . . . how nice).  Then on Friday, Grandma watched Ben and Beth, and I went with the twins on their field trip to Cornbelly’s!DSC08010 I was in charge of all these kids!!!  Just kidding, just these four:DSC08013 That’s us on the hayride.  We also went through the corn maze, climbed a giant spider web, jumped on the giant “ground pillows,” went down all the slides on Cornbelly mountain, and watched pigs race.  By lunch time we were worn out.  It was a really fun day!  I loved spending it with my smart, happy, charming, growing-up-way-too-quickly Cheyenne and Calianne.

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Monday, October 10, 2011


If that picture looks cold, wet, and gloomy, that’s because that’s how our weather was this week.  No me gusto!  I guess summer is really gone?  Am I in denial here?

Sarah’s tennis match was postponed.  This is another lovely thing about tennis.  They don’t play in the rain.  They definitely don’t play in the snow.  What a civilized sport!  It’s no wonder Sarah likes it so much!

Megan did freeze her little fingers off doing cheer this week.  Because, as we all know, football is far from being civilized, and they do indeed play in the snow.  Aack!  She had great fun being with her friends, though.  Also, since it was the last game of the season, the football coach came over to thank the cheerleaders, saying they owed all their wins to their superior cheering skills, and gave them each a carnation.  Wasn’t that nice?  I’m thinking that football coach is teaching those boys more than just football.  He’s teaching those girls, too!  Yay for gentlemen!  (Even uncivilized ones who play in the snow!)

Gratefully, it was a bit warmer, though not any drier on Saturday morning when Savannah had regionals for cross country – her last cross country meet!  The meet was held at Springville High, so we all walked over to be a part of the excitement and cheer her on!DSC07976 Dad had Bethany in the stroller over by the finish line, but they were there, too!  And Savannah, of course, was there too:DSC07971 DSC07972 She did great!  She took a whole minute off her time from the beginning of the year.  That’s a whole lot of running and she can do it pretty darn fast!  Way to go, Savannah!  We all think you are a winner!DSC07974

Sarah came home really excited from school last week.  It appears she is now a published journalist!DSC07871Here she is holding a copy of Springville Junior High News, of which she is a contributer!  She is taking Journalism this semester at the junior high and having a great time with it.  She gets to wear a press pass and get out of class on official business and of course, get her articles printed in the school paper.  She has an article in this edition about the artwork newly present in the hallways.  Her picture is also in the paper with the tennis team.  It is very cool!

Kevin found a little bit of time to watch a little baseball this week.  He finally has a buddy to watch it with, too!DSC07959 

Savannah went out with her friends to Reams this week to take pictures.  With Savannah there, this is a lot more fun than it sounds!DSC07945DSC07933  She’s so funny.

And . . . if this picture looks like it was taken from the roof above our driveway . . .DSC07920 . . . I’m afraid that’s because it was.  But it wasn’t Savannah.  It was Mariah!  She has recently discovered the roof and it is one of her favorite places.  Sometimes, I think, the girl just needs to get away and get a new perspective on things.

Have a great week!

Monday, October 3, 2011

This week was Mariah’s last soccer game!  :(  We are so sad!  She did so great and was so fun to watch AND it didn’t snow at any of her games this year!  So, why stop?  That’s what I want to know!2011-09-28 18.39.32That is her with her great team and here she is with one of her friends on the team:2011-09-28 18.40.40  Notice she still has her game-face on.  It’s her face that says, “I showed that goalie when I scored on her parade!  HA!”  It’s also a very red face that shows how she runs up and down that field and never gives up.  Go Mariah!  We’ll be back next year, I am sure!

This week was also the week of the carnival at the elementary school!DSC07863I actually attended this year instead of sending my younger ones with older ones.  Wow!  Look at me being relaxed and having time for things!  I don’t know why that is more so this year than other years, but I am enjoying it nonetheless.  I bought tickets for Mariah, Cheyenne, Calianne, and Bethany and they all stood in line patiently for their turns!DSC07864  Benjamin thought it was great fun, too.DSC07866 DSC07860DSC07865 DSC07868

I know there are no pictures of Mariah in here, but I promise that she was there too!  She was just off doing her own thing, because she is way grown up, you know!

Other than that, Savannah had a cross country meet, Sarah had a tennis match, and Megan cheered at a game.  I didn’t go to any of those events, but I am happy that my kids are active and involved and enjoying their lives!

I stuck to my goal of finding some friends for Bethany.  Last week saw us walking to various houses in the neighborhood to see if little girls could play.  I was lucky with all my other girls at this age because little girls their age would just show up and stay all day (I actually don’t think I considered myself “lucky” at the time . . . , but I have reconsidered!)  She had three play dates last week!  That’s success!

The weather has been just wonderful.  I even weeded the backyard flowerbeds and put down weed paper.  I planted some ivy by the shed and some vinca along the side fence.  I’m hoping to plant some blackberry bushes this week, but I’ve heard that the weather is going to start to deteriorate.  *Groan!*  I suppose it has to happen sometime.

Kevin had a fun weekend as his brother, Mike, was here from Ohio with his son, Jordan, and his brother, Tyler, was here from Idaho with his son, Jake.  So, they all went to the BYU football game Friday night with Grandpa Gazdik, too, of course, and Kayla, who is Mike’s oldest.  Oh!  and Mike’s father in law was there, too, from Japan!  We all went out to lunch on Saturday and I got to visit with the men and they got to see our kids.  Then Saturday night they all attended the priesthood session of conference together in the conference center.  Neat, huh?  I missed having my Kevin around for three nights in a row (he did a training on Thursday night), but I was glad he got to spend time with his family, and my girls are wonderful to be with, too!