This actually happened at our house this week!Bizarre, I know! Savannah loves to read, but lately she is usually reading fanfiction on the computer. Megan can’t be torn away from books she loves, but she is pretty picky about what she finds interesting. Sarah is kind of the same way – she only finds some books very compelling. So, it is rare that they are all captivated by a book at the same time – hence the picture. Cute kids.
It was Thanksgiving this week, of course. We only had two days of school, but Kevin wanted to get some work in on Wednesday, so we were planning to leave for Las Vegas on Wednesday after lunch. That was his plan until about 6pm on Tuesday night when his plan suddenly changed to – LET’S LEAVE NOW!!!
It took all us girls some shocked moments before we kicked into gear and started trying to make it a reality. In a sort of alternate reality experience, we were packed and ready with dinner eaten and the house cleaned up in one hour. I am still not sure exactly how that worked – unless, of course, it was that everyone was working together on the project instead of me all by myself. Hmmmm . . . Anyway, the blizzard still caught us and toyed with us and blew us around for about an hour before we broke through it. After that, we had clear sailing for the next 4 and a half hours to my parents’ home. Hurray! AND we had a whole extra day to visit with the fam. Double, triple Hurray!! Yay!
I was able to go shopping for Thanksgiving necessities on Wednesday with my mom and dad and even visit some with Amy and her girls Wednesday evening.
On Thursday, we worked on cooking the big meal at three different houses while the cousins played at two different houses. At 3:00, we packed up our cars and met at the church next to Amy’s house where we had the building reserved for two hours. Of course, we had to put finishing touches on the food. But that was how it should be.
We have the gravy expert: The mashed potato expert:
The turkey carving expert:
And what would we do without our fearless “champion of the details, make the idea a reality” expert: My sister, Margaret, and her family came down from Cedar City to be with us, too. She helped make one of the stellar, juicy turkeys.
Diane and Jason were there, too, and Diane made very, very yummy sweet potatoes – in her crockpot! We were all impressed.
My brother Dave came, too!
Uncle Paul held Benjamin. He is very good with babies.
Here we all are at our tables! With some family friends thrown in we had 30 people for Thanksgiving dinner!
It was very yummy. Grandpa and Benjamin became fast friends when Grandpa gave him his first roll! Bethany enjoyed sitting next to “my friend!” This is Amy’s youngest daughter, Emma, who is just one year older than Bethany. Beth followed her everywhere. Emma was a good sport about it, too! That’s a good thing!
After dinner, the men did the dishes:
And the lucky ones of us went into the gym to watch some impromptu entertainment dreamed up by the cousins. Yes, there is only one little boy in that crowd, so forget the basketball court – let’s use the stage!!!!
Afterwards, we went over to Amy’s house for pie. It was a really nice day.
On Friday, everyone came up to Grandma’s house. Diane brought a craft for all the kids. They made dolls out of clothespins and houses out of empty milk cartons. Grandma had two bins full of adorable fabric scraps and the kids cut and glued and colored and had a marvelous time!
Amy also brought a craft making snowmen out of foam cut-outs. The kids loved that, too. What smart sisters I have!
With the kids busy, we had time to visit and watch a bunch of football . . .
It was so nice to relax and talk and just be together for a little while.
On Saturday we were back on the road heading back to Utah. Thanks Mom and Dad and Amy and Paul and Margaret and Rick and Diane and Jason and David Jack. We had a great Thanksgiving!